Democracy at Work Fund
FORGE is pleased to announce the first round of grantees have been selected for the Democracy at Work Fund (DAWF), coordinated by Fundación Avina. The DAWF is a collaborative fund to support workers’ organizations leading efforts at the intersection of labor rights, democracy, and a just energy transition, and is the first multi-donor pooled fund supporting workers’ organizations in the Global South.
Nineteen organizations from 11 countries were selected to receive awards up to $100,000 to support worker-led initiatives. The selected projects focus on diverse impacted groups, ranging from informal workers, domestic workers, and rural laborers to professionals in specialized sectors like journalism and health care. These projects focus on issues like unionization, digital inclusion, climate action, and safety - working to empower and amplify the collective voice of marginalized groups across diverse countries and contexts.
These initiatives span diverse contexts, such as supporting migrant content moderators in Kenya, protecting banana workers in Ecuador, promoting the rights of sanitation workers in Bangladesh, and strengthening trade unions' voice in Brazil's climate discussions. Additional projects focus on improving the conditions of waste pickers and domestic workers in South Africa, as well as advocating for the rights and safety of migrant fishers in Indonesia. Together, these efforts advance FORGE’s mission to build up worker resilience and lay a strong foundation for long-term impact.
Congratulations to the inaugural recipients of the Democracy at Work Fund, including:
African Content Moderators Union - Kenya
South African Waste Pickers Association - South Africa
Uganda Nurses & Midwives Union - Uganda
Union of Informal Workers Associations - Ghana
Forum Silaturahmi Pelaut Indonesia - Indonesia
Parittran - Bangladesh
Sembada Bersama Indonesia - Indonesia
The New Factory Coop - Indonesia
ASTAC - Asociación Sindical de Trabajadores Agrícolas Bananeros y Campesinos - Ecuador
Astradomes - Costa Rica
Confederação Nacional de Trabalhadores Assalariados Rurais – CONTAR - Brazil
Cooperativa de Trabajo "Ladran Sancho" - Argentina
CUT Brazil/ITUC Just Transition Centre - Brazil
Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP) - Argentina
Frente Sindical de Acción Climática - Argentina
Fundación Urdir - Argentina
IZWI Domestic Workers Alliance - South Africa
Socio-Economic Rights Institute of South Africa (SERI) - South Africa
For details on the projects to be conducted under the fund, please visit:
The Democracy at Work Fund, a FORGE initiative, is co-funded by the Ford Foundation, Humanity United, Laudes Foundation, and Porticus, and includes seed funding contributed from Open Society Foundations. FORGE extends its gratitude to Fundación Avina for their dedicated co-design and coordination of the DAWF's inaugural round. We invite new funders to join us in supporting future rounds of this impactful collaborative fund.